France French vs. Quebec French

France French vs. Quebec French: What’s the difference?

Many of you may have heard someone exclaim, “Well Quebec French isn’t the same as what they speak in France,” or “Quebec French is different.” Today we are going to explore these comments and spread some light on whether French is different in Quebec and France.

Vocabulary among French speakers in Quebec and France differs slightly. A word may be taken to have a certain meaning in Quebec, while it may have a different meaning in France. Here are a few common differences:

English Word



Breakfast Le déjeuner Le petit déjeuner
Lunch Le diner Le déjeuner
Dinner Le souper Le diner

Quebec French has also been known to ensure new words are created in French when new English words are created, as opposed to France where they often Anglicize many words into French, such as ‘Parking.’ This word in Quebec is called ‘Staionnement’ where in France; they just call it ‘Parking.’ France is more likely to adopt the English word as opposed to creating a whole new one.

Another difference between France and Quebec French is the way they use certain words. For example, Quebec French speakers are more likely to use the ‘tu’ form of verbs as opposed to the more formal ‘vous,’ which is commonly used in France. If you were to meet a new person on the streets of Quebec, they would more likely refer to you using ‘tu’ but if you were to meet someone in France, they would use ‘vous.’ This difference is imperative to be aware of because while you may be comfortable using the ‘tu’ form of verbs, if you were to use it in the incorrect context in France, it could be considered rude or impolite.

Long story short, Quebec French and France French are the same type of French, with a few subtle differences in grammar and vocabulary. Think about the difference between Quebec French and France French as you would about English spoken in Britain versus the United States. Some words and phrases will be different, and each language will have cultural influences that they other may not have.
